SEO Consulting Services

Hi, I am Serena 👋 I help you improve your site’s visibility and
get your potential customers to find you!

Why Do You Need SEO Consulting Services?

Most online searches happen on Google, and I’m sorry to say this,
but…If your site is not on the first page of Google, it’s practically invisible!

With an SEO consultation, you will understand the steps to take to improve your website’s visibility,
increase organic traffic, and attract new potential customers.

Thanks to advanced techniques such as keyword optimization, quality content creation,
and site performance optimization, you will finally climb Google’s rankings.

Client’s Results

Here are some results achieved since they started using professional SEO strategies:

  • Increase in backlinks and site authority;
  • Increase in the number of indexed keywords;
  • Significant increase in site traffic.

What clients say about me…

SEO Services

SEO optimization activities include various technical operations on the site itself,
on the content, and on external websites.

Site Audit and Strategy

Site analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, and possible errors to correct, with a personalized SEO strategy to achieve your goals.

Content Creation and Technical SEO

Enhance your site’s visibility and indexing with the creation of high-quality and SEO-friendly content.

1:1 SEO Consulting

Personalized consultations to solve doubts, tackle specific problems, and make you autonomous in managing your site’s SEO.

Frequently Asked Questions about SEO

What is SEO?

SEO (search engine optimization) is a set of techniques and strategies aimed at improving the visibility of a website on search engines like Google.

The goal of SEO is to achieve a good organic ranking, meaning appearing among the top unpaid search results.

This process includes optimizing the site’s content and structure to make it more easily understandable and accessible to search engines and users.

Who are SEO Consultants and What Do They Do?

An SEO consultant, or SEO Specialist, is a professional who optimizes the visibility of a website on search engines.

Their work begins with an initial site evaluation to identify issues, errors, and areas for improvement, as well as analyzing competitors and current traffic. Based on these data, they create a detailed strategy to improve site traffic.

Key activities of an SEO consultant include:

  • Keyword Research: Identifying the most relevant keywords that users enter into search engines.
  • Content Optimization: Improving site content to make it more relevant and attractive to users and search engines.
  • On-Page SEO Techniques: Optimizing internal site elements, such as meta tags, titles, descriptions, and site structure.
  • Off-Site SEO Techniques: Implementing link-building strategies to increase site authority through quality backlinks.

How to Choose an SEO Consultant?

To choose an experienced SEO consultant, it’s important to follow some fundamental guidelines. First, check reviews from previous clients to get an idea of their reliability and competence.

Arrange an introductory call to discuss your needs and get an initial perspective on the strategies to adopt.

During this call, ask the consultant to tell you about their past experiences with other clients and show you the results achieved.

How Much Does an SEO Consultant Cost?

The cost of SEO consulting varies depending on the type of project and the specific needs of the client.

With me, the first free introductory call allows for a better understanding of the site’s needs, whether it is a showcase site or an e-commerce site.

After this initial assessment, prices can vary based on the goals to be achieved and the type of intervention required.

What are the Benefits of Hiring an Expert SEO Consultant?

  • Better search engine ranking: An expert SEO consultant can optimize your website to appear among the top search results, increasing online visibility and improving search engine ranking.
  • Increase in website visits: With an effective SEO strategy, organic traffic to your website will increase, bringing more visitors interested in your products or services.
  • Long-term success: Good SEO optimization not only improves search engine ranking but also the quality of traffic, contributing to sustainable success over time.

What are the Key Elements of an SEO Strategy?

An SEO strategy consists of three key elements:

  1. Content: Creating high-quality, relevant, and keyword-optimized content is essential to attract and retain visitors to the site.
  2. On-Site SEO: Optimizing internal site elements, such as meta tags, site structure, and loading speed, to improve user experience and relevance for search engines.
  3. Off-Site SEO: Promoting the website through quality backlinks and other external activities to increase the site’s authority and visibility.

How Long Does It Take for an SEO Strategy to Show Results?

In SEO, there are no precise timelines. Why?

Google’s algorithms are constantly changing and updating to make the search experience as simple as possible for users.

Be wary of those who say they will get you on the first page in one month for two reasons: it is impossible to quantify and SEO takes time (you should see it as a long-term investment).

Generally, to see the first results of an SEO strategy, can take from 3 to 6 months, with continuous growth over time leading to improved SEO ranking, increased traffic, results, and conversions.