Ever wondered how many of your cold emails go unopened? It’s frustrating, right?

Maybe the subject line wasn’t catchy enough, or your value proposition wasn’t clear enough.

Well, don’t worry; you’re not alone.

I’ve sent countless cold emails before figuring out how to do it right. Unfortunately, there’s no magic template that guarantees a 100% open rate for your cold emails.

However, I do have good news.

there are various cold email templates that can improve your chances of getting your message noticed.

Let’s check them out.

AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) Template

The AIDA template is one of the most effective cold email templates out there.

This cold email template follows a simple and easy-to-remember structure that helps you grab the attention of your readers, generate interest in what you have to offer, create a desire for your product or service, and ultimately prompt them to take action.

AIDA: How does it work?

Attention: Start off your cold email with an attention-grabbing subject line that will pique the interest of your readers and make them want to open your email.

This could be a question, a statistic, or a statement that is relevant to their industry or pain points.

Interest: Once you have their attention, keep it by providing valuable and interesting information in the first few sentences of your email.

This could be a teaser about your product or service, a personalized compliment to the reader, or a solution to a common problem they may be facing.

Desire: Next, build desire for your product or service by highlighting its unique benefits and how it can specifically help the reader.

Use persuasive language and examples to show them the value of what you are offering.

Action: Finally, end with a clear call to action that prompts the reader to take the next step, whether it’s scheduling a demo, signing up for a free trial, or simply replying to your email.

Make it easy for them to take action by providing a direct link or contact information.

When To use it?

The AIDA cold email template is best used for emailing potential clients or customers.

It works particularly well when you have a specific product or service that can solve a problem or meet your target audience’s needs.

AIDA Template

Subject: Unleash [Benefit] with [Your Product]

Hi [Prospect's Name], Are you struggling with [Problem]?

Discover how [Your Product] can transform your [Specific Outcome].

Our solution has helped [Similar Companies] achieve [Result].

Let's schedule a call to discuss how [Your Product] can benefit [Prospect's Company].

Best, [Your Name]

Lead Generation & Networking Template

This cold email template is designed to help you connect with potential leads and build a professional network.

It focuses on establishing a personal connection and showcasing your expertise or services.

When to use it

This email template is most effective for networking events, conferences, or online platforms such as LinkedIn.


Subject: Exploring Synergies between [Your Company] and [Prospect's Company]

Hi [Prospect's Name], I trust this message finds you in good spirits.

I've been following [Prospect's Company] and am impressed by your expertise in [Industry/Field].

I would love to connect and explore potential synergies.

Are you available for a virtual coffee chat next week? Regards, [Your Name]

PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve) Template

The PAS template is a perfect cold sales email template. In fact, it’s commonly used in sales and marketing to address recipient’s pain points or problems, agitate those problems, and then offer a solution.

But It can also be used for persuasive communication in general.

PAS: How does it work?

Problem: Are you tired of constantly struggling to manage your team’s projects and deadlines?

Agitation: Do missed deadlines and disorganized processes lead to stress and inefficiency in your workplace?

Solution: Our project management software streamlines tasks, improves communication, and ensures timely delivery. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to productivity with our solution!

When To use it

This B2B cold email template is most effective when you have identified a specific problem or need of your audience and want to offer a solution.

It can be used as a sales email template to empathize with your prospect’s pain point and offer a clear resolution by selling them your product/service

PAS Template

Hi [Prospect's Name],

Are you frustrated with [Challenge]?

Many in your industry face the same struggle.

It's time to put an end to [Problem].

With [Your Solution], you can achieve [Positive Outcome].

Let's discuss how we can make this happen.

Regards, [Your Name]

Event Invitations Template

Send cold emails to invite prospects to webinars, conferences, or other events.

With this cold email template, you should highlight the value they would gain by participating in your event.

When to use it

Compared to other cold email templates, this one is best used when you want to invite a specific audience or group of people to attend an event or gathering.

It can be used for formal and informal events and allows for customization of details such as date, time, location, and event purpose.


Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope this email finds you intrigued.

We're hosting [Your Event], a gathering of industry experts discussing the latest trends and insights.

Your perspective would be invaluable.

Can we send you more details and reserve a spot for you?

Best regards, [Your Name]

BAB (Before-After-Bridge) Template

The BAB cold email template is used to communicate the transformation or improvement your product or service can bring to the recipient. Their current situation (Before), the desired situation (After), and how your product or service bridges the gap.

BAB: How does it work?

Before: Before discovering our [product/service], you may have been feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by [specific problem or pain point]. You may have spent countless hours trying to find a suitable solution, only to be left disappointed.

After: With our [product/service], you can finally say goodbye to those struggles. Our innovative approach and top-notch features will make your life easier and more productive.  You will have more time to focus on the things that matter most to you.

Bridge: Our [product/service] is specifically designed to address the challenges you are facing. With its cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interface, you can easily tackle any task or problem that comes your way. Say hello to a smoother and more efficient workflow with our [product/service].

When To use it

This cold email template can be used as a cold sales email template for sales pitches and marketing materials, as it highlights the pain points of your target audience and offers a solution to address them.

BAB Template

Subject: Introducing our [product/service] - The Ultimate Solution for Your [specific problem or pain point]

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by [specific problem or pain point]?

With our [product/service], you can finally say goodbye to those struggles. Our innovative approach and top-notch features will make your life easier and more productive.

Our [product/service] is specifically designed to address the challenges you are facing.

Let's discuss all of this in a call tomorrow.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Re-Engagement Template

Use this email template to re-engage with potential customers who showed initial interest but did not make a purchase. Share updates, new offerings, or personalized content to renew their interest.

When To use it

You can use this sales email template in 3 specific cases:

  • A significant amount of time has passed since the last communication with previous clients or prospects.
  • When you have new updates, offerings, or personalized content that may be of interest to them.
  • When you want to remind them about your brand and re-establish contact.


Subject: Exclusive Updates and Offers for [Prospect's Company]

Hi [Prospect's Name],

It's been a while since we last connected, and I wanted to share some exciting updates and exclusive offers tailored for [Prospect's Company]. 

I believe these developments align with your interests. 

Let's catch up and discuss how we can continue to add value.

Best,[Your Name]

PPP (Praise-Picture-Push) Template

The PPP cold email template starts with praise, paints a vivid picture of success, and then encourages the prospect to take the necessary steps to achieve that success.

PPP: How does it work?

Praise: Show your appreciation and recognition for their successes or accomplishments. This can be anything from a recent business milestone, success story, or even a positive review they received.

Picture: Paint a picture of how your product/service has positively impacted their business or personal life. Share statistics, case studies, or testimonials to showcase the tangible benefits they have experienced using your offering.

Push: Use this opportunity to promote your new features, services, or offers. Highlight the value it can bring to their operations and how it can further support their growth and success.

When To use it

Implement this template when you want to build rapport, create a positive vision, and prompt action.

Cold emailing is particularly effective when reaching out to existing clients to maintain and strengthen the relationship, but it can also be used with prospects to showcase your expertise and offerings.


Subject:Let's Boost Your Success Together!

Hi [Prospect's/Client's Name],

I've been impressed by [Prospect's/Client's Company]'s recent [Specific Achievement/Milestone]. Congrats! 

Our [Your Product/Service] has helped businesses like yours grow by [X%]. Now, we've got something new that can [Specific Benefit]. Want to chat about it?

Can we catch up next week?

Best,[Your Name]

5 Elements every cold email template should include

Now that you’ve seen some examples of cold email templates, let’s take a look at how you can craft your own.

When it comes to successful cold email outreach, it’s important to avoid sending generic emails to your prospects. Otherwise, your response rate is likely to be close to 0.

So, how to write a cold email?

To receive a positive response, follow these 5 key elements:


Take time to understand your prospect’s pain points and learn about their background or the company they work for.

Attention-Grabbing Subject Line

The subject line is the first thing that grabs the prospect’s attention.

Take time to craft a subject line that stands out from the crowd and makes the prospect curious about what’s inside.

Personalized Introduction

Show that you’ve made an effort to research them and demonstrate that they are more than just a name on a list. This helps build rapport and relationships.

Value Proposition

Clearly mention what’s in it for the recipient and highlight how they can benefit from your assistance.

Call to Action

End the cold email with a clear call to action. Guide them toward the next steps and the benefits that you proposed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cold emailing effective?

The success of an outreach email relies on several factors.

These include the quality of the content, how relevant the message is to the recipient, and the overall approach.

What not to say in a cold email?

When doing cold email outreach, there are 3 things that shouldn’t be done:

  • Generic Language: Don’t use the same words everyone uses. Be specific and show you care about who you’re emailing.
  • Sound pushy: Don’t be too pushy or demanding.
  • Insert too many details: Be clear and to the point.

How long should a cold email be?

Keep your email template concise and to the point.

Use no more than a few short paragraphs, with each paragraph only a few sentences.

Remember that most people receive numerous emails daily, so making a strong impression quickly and concisely is essential.

Avoid using large blocks of text or lengthy explanations; instead, focus on delivering a clear, compelling message that captures the recipient’s attention.

What is the success rate of cold emails?

The average response rate of cold emails is 8.5%.

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Last Update: July 22, 2024