Surfer SEO is, hands down, the best on-page optimization tool I’ve ever used.

I’ve been using it for a while, and it has never let me down. Not even once!

Among all its great features, the ones I personally love the most are the SERP analyzer tool and on-page optimization.

I still can’t wrap my head around how easy to use these tools are.

With Surfer SEO, it literally takes one-third of the time it used to take me to write optimized articles from scratch.

Related: Full Surfer SEO Review

As for the plans, I’ve been using the Essential Plan, and it’s perfect if you have a small number of clients and only need to optimize one site.

But since my business is growing, I’m considering switching to the Advanced Plan. It offers great features and seems like a great deal.

But enough about me, let’s get down to business.

Let’s talk about Surfer SEO pricing, SEO features, and which plan is best suited for different needs.

Surfer SEO Pricing Plans for 2023

Surfer SEO pricing plans

Surfer SEO comes with 4 different plans to choose from:

  1. Essential Plan
  2. Advanced Plan
  3. Max Plan
  4. Enterprise Plan

Each of these plans can be billed yearly or monthly.

If you choose to be billed annually, you can save up to $600 (based on the plan you chose)

The main difference between these plans is the content editor feature and how many people you can invite to collaborate.

The content editor feature is basically how many articles you can create monthly or yearly based on the plan you choose (The number of articles expires at the end of the billing cycle).

Essential Plan [$69/month]

The Essential Plan is the entry-level, and it costs $69 per month if billed annually or $89 monthly.


What do you get with the Surfer SEO Essential plan?

  • 180 Content Editor articles per Year, which is 15 articles per month. (With this plan, each article costs you around $5).
  • Invite up to 2 people to collaborate
  • 100 Keyword research per day
  • Google Docs, WordPress, Jasper Integrations
  • Plagiarism checker

My favorites are the content Editor features, Google Docs integrations, and Plagiarism checker.

Who is it for?

This basic plan is perfect for individuals and small teams.

And… it is the one I’m currently using to optimize my blog and a couple of articles per month for 2 clients.

So, if you are in my situation, go for it!

It’s more than enough.

Advanced Plan [$149/month]

The Advanced Plan is Surfer SEO’s top recommendation.

This is because it offers a wide range of features at a great value.

The Advanced plan costs $149 per month if billed annually or $179 monthly.


What do you get with the Advanced Plan?

  • 540 Content Editor articles per Year, which is 45 articles per month. (With this plan, each article costs you around $3)
  • Invite up to 5 people to collaborate
  • 100 Keyword research per day
  • Google Docs, WordPress, Jasper Integrations
  • Plagiarism checker

Who is it for?

This plan is perfect for seo professionals and teams who need to optimize multiple websites or work with more than 3 clients per month.

Max Plan

The Max Plan is the Pro Plan.

This plan has everything the advanced plan has, plus the add-ons (completely for free).

It costs $249 per month if billed annually or $299 monthly.

Features & Addons

  • 1080 Content Editor articles per Year, which is 90 articles per month. (With this plan, each article costs less than $3)
  • Invite up to 10 people to collaborate
  • 100 Keyword research per day
  • Google Docs, WordPress, Jasper Integrations
  • Plagiarism checker
  • 100 Audit per month
  • 100 SERP Analyzer searches per day

Who is it for?

The Max plan is perfect for managing more than 5 websites or working with multiple clients.

It’s designed specifically for agencies and teams, making it easier to handle everything in one place.

Enterprise Plan

The cost of the enterprise plan varies depending on your needs and those of your team.

Surfer SEO offers a fully customizable ad hoc plan with all the tools you need to run your online business or serve your clients.

Features & Addons

What features can you add to your Enterprise Plan?

  • Custom number of AI articles
  • Custom number of content editor articles
  • Invite unlimited people to collaborate
  • Custom Keyword research per day

All benefits of Max, plus:

  • Dedicated account manager
  • Priority support
  • Personalized product training
  • Legal assistance during procurement

Who is it for?

This plan can be specifically tailored to your business needs and is the perfect choice for SEO experts with large agencies and enterprises.

Surfer SEO add-ons

Addons are extra features that come with the Max and Enterprize plans at no additional cost.

If you have an essential or advanced plan, you can include these advanced features for an additional fee.

What are the add-ons available in Surfer SEO?

  • Audit to optimize your existing pages based on data from top-performing search results.
  • SERP analyzer to explore what worked for others and find out where to focus on next within your niche.
  • White Label to access brand Surfer solutions with your own domain and logo to maintain your brand consistency.
  • API to automate query creation, work in bulk, and analyze data without accessing the Surfer web app.


  • Audit: $49 (100 audits monthly)
  • SERP Analyzer: $29 (100 searches daily)
  • White Label: $49
  • API: $29

Surfer AI

Surfer AI Pricing Plans

Surfer AI now comes with a powerful tool called Surfer AI that helps you edit, rephrase, and refine each generated blog post in real-time.

With Surfer SEO, you get four plans that cover all your needs for on-page SEO analysis, competitive keywords research, on-page SEO strategy… PLUS AI seo optimized articles ready to rank.

Here are the plans:

1. Essential AI: Get 60 AI articles per year and all the optimization features of the Essential Plan for $119.

2. Advanced AI: 120 AI articles per year and all the optimization features of the Advanced Plan for $239.

3. Max AI: 240 AI articles per year and all the optimization features of the Max Plan for $419.

4. Enterprise: Tailor-made number of articles per year to suit your needs, along with all the optimization features of the Enterprise Plan. Custom pricing.

7-day Money-back Guarantee

Surfer SEO no longer offers a free trial; instead, they offer a 7-day Money-back Guarantee.

What does this mean?

It means you get to try out every feature of the tool for 7 days. If you’re not satisfied or you change your mind, you can request a full refund.

NOTE: Add-ons are not eligible for a refund.

Surfer SEO Pricing Plans Compared

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I purchase more Content Editor articles?

If you’ve used up all your credits for Content Editor Articles and urgently need to write an optimized blog post for a client, don’t worry! Surfer SEO has got you covered with its “pay-as-you-go” option.

This means you can buy additional credits starting from $29 per credit (1 credit = 1 Content editor Article).

Will my unused credits be carried over to the next billing cycle?

Nope, Unused Credits will be lost.

If I have the annual plan, do my credits reset yearly or monthly?

Your credits reset yearly.

Is SEO Surfer free?

No, Surfer SEO is not free.

However, they do offer a risk-free way for you to try out the tool.

When you sign up for any of their plans, you’re protected by a 7-day money-back guarantee.

This means that within the first week of your subscription if you are not satisfied with their services for any reason, you can request a full refund, no questions asked.

Is Surfer SEO worth it?

Surfer SEO is definitely worth it! It’s considered one of the best on-page SEO tools available. Why? Let me break it down for you.

Well, first off, its user-friendly interface makes it super easy to navigate, even for beginners who have no idea what they’re doing.

Second, it’s highly effective in optimizing your website content to rank higher on search engines. Features like the content editor and the keyword research tool can really make a difference in time and quality when optimizing a text for SEO.

Plus, it’s awesome for competitor analysis too! Surfer SEO provides up-to-date data and allows you to compare your competitors based on various metrics, such as word count, exact keywords, and keyword density.

Is Surfer SEO easy to use?


Surfer SEO is known for its user-friendly interface, making it incredibly easy to use, whether you’re an SEO expert or just starting out.

Categorized in:

On Page SEO, SEO, SEO Tools,

Last Update: July 22, 2024